
Sometimes during trying times, our brain repeats the same old patterns.  We may also see the same effect if our brain, consciously or unconsciously, remembers trying times. 

We may feel more rigid and less resilient.  We may feel less focused and indecisive.  We might find it difficult to regulate our emotions or to fall or stay asleep.  We may feel out of sorts or unsteady.  Maybe we just want to be more content and happy.

When these things happen, persistent electrical patterns will be evident in the brain.  

The NeurOptimal® session provides slight interruptions in those patterns and shows the brain what it is doing…like a mirror. 

NeurOptimal® is a time-tested, safe and effective way to address these concerns.  It is a dynamical form of neurofeedback which assists the brain to regulate itself.  Our brain is constantly working to keep us alive, and is always moving towards comfort.  NeurOptimal® speaks to the central nervous system in the same way that the central nervous system speaks to itself, giving the nervous system information about what it is currently doing.  This allows the brain to respond and adjust itself…resulting in increased flexibility and resilience.  This is in contrast to a linear neurofeedback system, in which someone outside of the system is trying to program the brain to behave in a certain way.  This also means that this process is positively NON- invasive.

All sessions are live, so each session responds to current brain activity.  

During a session…

…you will sit in a comfortable chair and we will place 5 sensors on your ears and head.  You will then listen to the media (music, etc.) for the duration of the session.  There will be pauses in the media.  During these pauses, the brain is receiving information.  The brain responds to this information by adjusting or becoming more mindful.    During the session, you can sit and chill, do homework, color, draw, read, watch the screen, take a nap…basically any quiet and still activity.   

Changes that have been reported after doing NeurOptimal® sessions: 

Moving through difficult situations more easily 

Being more flexible 

More resilience 

Easier decision making 

Ability to remain regulated during difficult circumstances 

Feeling more rested 

More content and happy 

Feeling more balanced 



How many sessions do I need? 

This is totally up to your nervous system and you.  As the client, it is up to you to notice subtle shifts.  Also, be aware that people around you may notice shifts in you before you do. 

Do the results last? 

Like learning anything else, once your brain has learned it, the learning cannot be taken away. 

Some people like to do a booster now and then.  It may only take a few of these booster sessions to help people feel at their best again.